
Who we serve

  Retired, or close to it

We specialize in people who are retired or very close to it (typically 5 years or less). This allows us to tailor our service and expertise to the unique needs of retirees.

  Diligent saver

While our clients would hardly consider themselves to be “rich”, thanks to a lifetime of diligent saving and frugal living they have accumulated a retirement nest egg of at least £300,000.

  Nice people

This might sound cliché, but we will only work with genuinely nice people with whom we share a mutual respect.

retired couple

If this sounds like you, and you have saved at least £300,000 towards your retirement, we would love to speak with you. Let’s get in touch.

While we would love to help everyone, we have very intentionally limited the number of clients we serve so that each client gets the personalized attention they need. If you feel you are not a fit for the criteria above, we suggest that you visit to find a Certified Financial Planner near you.